Sarpy County Nebraska Zip Codes

Cities in

Below are a list of the cities located in Sarpy County, NE. There are 13 total unique zip codes in Sarpy County, Nebraska. The time zone for Sarpy County is the Central Daylight Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for is 31153.

The population in Sarpy County, NE is currently 193,418. That is an increase of 22.15% vs the population of 158,840 in 2010.

Zip Codes for Sarpy County, NE (13)

Zip Code
City County
Zip Code Map
68005 Bellevue Sarpy
68028 Gretna Sarpy
68046 Papillion Sarpy
68056 St Columbans Sarpy
68059 Springfield Sarpy
68113 Offutt Afb Sarpy
68123 Bellevue Sarpy
68128 La Vista Sarpy
68133 Papillion Sarpy
68136 Omaha Sarpy
68138 Omaha Sarpy
68147 Bellevue Sarpy
68157 Omaha Sarpy

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