Licking County Ohio Zip Codes

Cities in

Below are a list of the cities located in Licking County, OH. There are 20 total unique zip codes in Licking County, Ohio. The time zone for Licking County is the Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for is 39089.

The population in Licking County, OH is currently 180,401. That is an increase of 8.43% vs the population of 166,492 in 2010.

Zip Codes for Licking County, OH (20)

Zip Code
City County
Zip Code Map
43001 Alexandria Licking
43008 Buckeye Lake Licking
43013 Croton Licking
43018 Etna Licking
43023 Granville Licking
43025 Hebron Licking
43027 Homer Licking
43030 Jacksontown Licking
43031 Johnstown Licking
43033 Kirkersville Licking
43055 Newark Licking
43056 Heath Licking
43058 Newark Licking
43062 Pataskala Licking
43071 Saint Louisville Licking
43073 Summit Station Licking
43080 Utica Licking
43093 Newark Licking
43721 Brownsville Licking
43740 Gratiot Licking

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