Dubois County Indiana Zip Codes

Cities in

Below are a list of the cities located in Dubois County, IN. There are 12 total unique zip codes in Dubois County, Indiana. The time zone for Dubois County is the Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for is 18037.

The population in Dubois County, IN is currently 43,549. That is an increase of 4.88% vs the population of 41,889 in 2010.

Zip Codes for Dubois County, IN (12)

Zip Code
City County
Zip Code Map
47513 Birdseye Dubois
47521 Celestine Dubois
47527 Dubois Dubois
47532 Ferdinand Dubois
47541 Holland Dubois
47542 Huntingburg Dubois
47545 Ireland Dubois
47546 Jasper Dubois
47547 Jasper Dubois
47549 Jasper Dubois
47575 Saint Anthony Dubois
47580 Schnellville Dubois

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