Brown County South Dakota Zip Codes

Cities in

Below are a list of the cities located in Brown County, SD. There are 15 total unique zip codes in Brown County, South Dakota. The time zone for Brown County is the Central Daylight Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for is 46013.

The population in Brown County, SD is currently 38,101. That is an increase of 5.56% vs the population of 36,531 in 2010.

Zip Codes for Brown County, SD (15)

Zip Code
City County
Zip Code Map
57401 Aberdeen Brown
57402 Aberdeen Brown
57426 Barnard Brown
57427 Bath Brown
57432 Claremont Brown
57433 Columbia Brown
57439 Ferney Brown
57441 Frederick Brown
57445 Groton Brown
57446 Hecla Brown
57449 Houghton Brown
57460 Mansfield Brown
57474 Stratford Brown
57479 Warner Brown
57481 Westport Brown

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