Johnson County Kansas Zip Codes

Cities in

Below are a list of the cities located in Johnson County, KS. There are 44 total unique zip codes in Johnson County, Kansas. The time zone for Johnson County is the Central Daylight Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for is 20091.

The population in Johnson County, KS is currently 613,219. That is an increase of 12.68% vs the population of 544,179 in 2010.

Zip Codes for Johnson County, KS (44)

Zip Code
City County
Zip Code Map
66018 De Soto Johnson
66021 Edgerton Johnson
66030 Gardner Johnson
66031 New Century Johnson
66051 Olathe Johnson
66061 Olathe Johnson
66062 Olathe Johnson
66063 Olathe Johnson
66083 Spring Hill Johnson
66085 Stilwell Johnson
66201 Mission Johnson
66202 Mission Johnson
66203 Shawnee Johnson
66204 Overland Park Johnson
66205 Mission Johnson
66206 Leawood Johnson
66207 Overland Park Johnson
66208 Prairie Village Johnson
66209 Leawood Johnson
66210 Overland Park Johnson
66211 Leawood Johnson
66212 Overland Park Johnson
66213 Overland Park Johnson
66214 Overland Park Johnson
66215 Lenexa Johnson
66216 Shawnee Johnson
66217 Shawnee Johnson
66218 Shawnee Johnson
66219 Lenexa Johnson
66220 Lenexa Johnson
66221 Overland Park Johnson
66222 Mission Johnson
66223 Overland Park Johnson
66224 Overland Park Johnson
66225 Overland Park Johnson
66226 Shawnee Johnson
66227 Lenexa Johnson
66250 Lenexa Johnson
66251 Overland Park Johnson
66276 Lenexa Johnson
66282 Overland Park Johnson
66283 Overland Park Johnson
66285 Lenexa Johnson
66286 Shawnee Johnson

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